
SEQ BIRD CLUB Incorporated

formerly Beenleigh Bird Breeders Association Inc.

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President  Martin Thorn  07 3206 6062  mob 0439 882 554

Vice-President  John Christensen

 Secretary  Sandy Spence-Finlayson, 0409 752 134,

Treasurer  Jenny Stein 0412 189 326

Memberships  Robyn Blumson  0410 638 255

Magazine Editor / Member's Classified Ads  Steven Armstrong 0417 641 759

Eagleby and Beaudesert Bird Sales' bookings see Bird Sales page

Please mail all written and printed correspondence to

SEQ Bird Club Inc.

PO BOX 5021

Eagleby QLD 4207

QCBS Queensland Council of Bird Societies Inc. Delegates M Thorn and R Holmes

Patrons Dr Ron Woodhead BVSc. | Hon Bert van Manen federal MP for Forde | Councillor Karen Murphy (Div 12) Logan City



Our Annual General Meeting is held in September each year during the monthly meeting, on the first Wednesday of the month. All Committee positions will be declared vacant and ballots held if necessary. 


Our meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month (except January), at the Community Hall, Fryar Road, Eagleby Qld.

Meetings commence at 7pm

Free street parking, and limited off-street parking available.

Coffee, tea, and light refreshments available.

Raffle, and door prize.

Cash Draw for financial members to win if they are in attendance.

Guests welcome.

COVID-19: Bring a face mask and hand sanitiser for your personal use.