
SEQ BIRD CLUB Incorporated

formerly Beenleigh Bird Breeders Association Inc.

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Guest Speakers


We thank all Guest Speakers for their time and effort taken to support our club, including:

Meetings commence at 7pm, Community Hall, 94-112 Fryar Road, Eagleby, Queensland: Click here for venue map.

Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month (except January) with a formal meeting and discussion, then the raffle & members cash draw. After which we break for coffee, tea and light refreshments, then continue with the guest speaker. Guest speakers may provide product demonstrations and/or audio-visual presentations.

COVID-19 All attendees should bring their own face mask and hand sanitiser to use as directed by the club.


Our AGM is on the first Wednesday of the month of September at the usual meeting venue. All committee positions will be declared vacant and new office-holders elected if necessary. All financial members may nominate for a position.

All nominations must be proposed and seconded by two other financial members of the SEQ Bird Club Inc. The nominee must agree to the nomination. If no written nominations have been received by the Secretary, nominations may be accepted from those present.

Our committee is made up of volunteers working for our club in their own time and we deeply appreciate their dedication and service.

Main picture: (top right) Reeves Pheasant, Syrmaticus reevesii.