
SEQ BIRD CLUB Incorporated

formerly Beenleigh Bird Breeders Association Inc.

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Print and mail, with payment or receipt


Membership renewals are due before 30th June each year. 

Membership fees can be paid via Bank Transfer / Direct Deposit, (or cash at meetings, or our club's bird sales). 

Bank of Queensland

BSB: 124 037

Account: 90611810

Account name: Beenleigh Bird Breeders Assoc Inc.

Use your full name as reference.

You MUST mail a printout of the online receipt with your completed membership form to our postal address.

Your membership provides for one magazine per membership, and one membership card. Our magazine is bi-monthly, 30+ pages, colour, A5 size.


The Annual General Meeting is held in September each year, where all positions are declared vacant and a new committee may be elected. All financial members are eligible to vote and to stand for positions - one vote per membership.

MEMBERSHIPS enquiries:   Robyn Blumson 0410 638 255

Pictures: (above) girl with canary; (top) Canada Geese, Branta canadensis.